Saturday, 28 November 2009

Internet as Medium of Narrative Art Creation.

Internet as Medium of Narrative Art Creation.
Internet today is not only the interconnection of worldwide computer networks but has also been a constructive format of fictional or nonfictional events summoned together. As the most powerful medium of this century, internet has created a degree of electronic and optical networking technologies with the theme of art and creation. The establishment of internet back to the 1960s has been one of the most creative inventions of the human civilization.

Internet today has been able to change the theory of marking the language and making its structure. The practice of hypertext and cybertext has made the user to access any information immediately within a couple of seconds. It has not only the group of texts but has different constructive format (pictures, songs, writing, theory, speech, poetry or may be videos) that makes a complete circle of entertainment for the users.


More and more, the characteristics of digital fiction in the internet have been changing continuously. All the basics form of Internet to the wonderland of Web 2.0, it is now more interactive, interpretive, multimodal, collective and playful that makes internet as the most effective medium. The narrative art form is evolving and merging in new exciting ways that surrounds us with the art of character perspective, visual and dramatic patterns. The path of reading, analysing and interpreting a text is accompanied by multisensory reading with effective semantic support in multiple modalities.


Landow, George P. 1997. Hypertext 2.0. London: Johns Hopkins University Press

Sunday, 22 November 2009

Commercialization and the Network:

IPR, Crowd sourcing, Free Labour and the Californian Ideology.

After the introduction of Internet and Web 2.0 in the networking arena, the concept of commercialization has been initiated. Today, due to the globalisation of networks and the common cultural bonding between the users, the concept of the commerce and business has been laid in the networking sector. More and more financial accounts have been running through the networking business nowadays.


At the initiation of internet and networking in our society, it was said to be non-commercial because its main aim used to inform the public and helps to share their common values, beliefs and ideas. But after the drastic development in the technology and its modern practices by the users, the importance of information economy, the rise of network enterprise and the application of ‘Network society’ has been created.

The thought of Intellectual Property Rights arrived after the vision of the knowledge based economy that helps both the original creation and the author’s copyright which gives him/her some accounts of transactions. The doctrine of commercial networking has been flourished so rapidly after the 90’s because of the competition and liquidity in the market. The networking business today is now more focused on the theme of e-commerce that open-sourcing and crowd-sourcing has become the main forces of surging the development.

People are now more related and public participation is in high today towards the e-commerce. Crowd-sourcing is more concern towards the public interest with countless users engaging with the networking business. Regardless of that, the subject of free labour arises with the problems of copyright and selection going through it. Due to the effect of globalisation people from India works for the company of America through networking that accounts in billion dollars. The culture of Silicon Valley and the domination of IT industry will be more effective in upcoming days which beholds the truth that today’s networking are more diverted towards commercialization.


Cawsey, Alison and Dewar Rick. 2004. Internet Technology and e-commerce. Basingtoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Sunday, 15 November 2009

Web 2.0: Architectures of Participation:

Web 2.0: Architectures of Participation:
Web 2.0 is a platform of social and cultural interaction in the advanced technologies where users are more interlinked with the internet globally. It is linked with the web applications that feature interactive information sharing, user – centred design, user interface, continuous update, data consumption and the architecture of public participation.

Web applications, social networking sites, video sharing sites, blogs, wikis, portals, web based communities etc are some of the classic examples of Web 2.0. The core concept of Web 2.0 is a whole new generation of ideas and makes internet a platform to mediate the network effect to make up the collective intelligence in an effective manner. The crucial element is the public participation in the management of Web 2.0 whereas; in Web 1.0 the users are connected to the internet but with a limited interaction and engagement with the content.

The word ‘YOU’ has been a vital core here to generate the sense that public are the main instrument in creating market value in the billions. The social networking sites like youtube, facebook, myspace, twitter etc are now worth billions just because by the word ‘YOU’ in it. It is all about customization and socialization that without ‘YOU’ they all are worthless. Today facebook accounts about 100 billion dollars just because of the people’s participation in it. It has been always us that make the value of creating and changing the Web 2.0 from Web 1.0. 

Comments and community are the very big parts of Web 2.0. With these concepts, the issues of crowd sourcing, trust, privacy, prosumers, free labour etc has been raised around us. It’s cool to have Web 2.0 around us with lots of perspectives and the notion of Cyberspace within it. But also due to its flexible nature, there arise a lot of questions which are certainly tough to go through it. 


Saturday, 7 November 2009

We the media?: The Emergence of News into the Age of Computers

What is News??????

News is something happening new. It denotes the four direction (north,east,west and south) as it reports the recent previously unknown information to the public. It is the report of new information, events or stories that is presented by different medium (print, broadcast, internet etc) and has a public interest in it. Timeliness, impact, proximity, controversy, prominence, war, religion, fashion, sports, business and oddity are some of the main features of News. 

Within the periphery of News, it bounds many more things from a story of an event that is picked up by the professional News correspondent and later broadcasted from various stations around. News has been one of the most prominent and powerful tool of the Media from the medieval age to this digitized century.

Its strength and value has surged tremendously that it has been the key element of our daily life. With the development of technology, the transmission of News also has been changed and been affected. Both the way of transmitting, gathering and the way of manufacturing the News has been changed since and now.

The changing structure, idea and concept of News has been the huge matter of interest to the public as the bond and the interlink with the human is getting stronger day to day that a huge public participation can be seen through.
The practices of Churnalism, Mobile Journalism, Citizen Journalism and Network Journalism are some of the features of public participation and their progressive involvement in making the News possible. Today everyone can report and is reporting from anywhere as the trend is increasing in a high pace. The notion of ‘Global village’ leads to the pervasive journalism that the News is everywhere omnipresent. We all are interconnected today with more common News around us from the deserts of Africa to the Mountains of Himalayas.

The concept of Vortextuality (Whannel, 2009: vol.6, No.1) has been created around us because of the globalization of the Media that creates a ‘vortex’ effect where a single title is centralized and numbers of media institutions just revolve around making the same story. The Iraq war, sudden death of Michael Jackson, 9/11, World Cup Football has been some of the major events of Vortextuality.

Garry Whannel, (2009) ‘News, Celebrity and Vortextuality : A study of the media coverage of the Michael Jackson verdict’, UK: vol.6, No.1.